
Monday, December 7, 2009

Attacking Overwhelmment

Overwhelming circumstances have a tendency to make me feel like throwing in the towel before i even get started.
Like the current state of my room. While the main living area was kept fairly neat for the roommate situation, my room on the other hand, was left to go to seed. It's quite possible that gremlins have been able to make off with a few things.
During Nano, a lot of my normal tasks get pushed aside for the writing. Letters and emails go unopened, bags get thrown, receipts litter my floor, coins are scattered, and don't even get me started with the laundry waiting patiently to be folded and put away.
Usually, I'm so tired by the time i stop writing, that i manage to stagger into my room, take a hold of my bedspread, jerk it back so that anything on top of it goes flying to the floor, any remaining energy is expended trying to get into bed and pull it back over me.
Now that Nano is over, my energy is going into playing catchup. I spent a whole day just doing laundry. And i ended up having to run out of the house for something and not comming back. Then i tried to clean my bathroom, and ended up getting a call from the family to help out with something. Never ended up finishing that.
A ton of half started projects makes for one big mess. And i know you're probably all sitting over there going "just pick one and finish it!". And as i look around my room, i laugh at how easy it must seem when you're not in a constant state of Overwhelmment.
I'm currently formulating a plan which starts at the biggest thing in the way and works outward from there. Only time will tell if i have enough energy to finish it.

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