
Friday, October 30, 2009

We're following the leader, the leader....

Holly fricken cow! 24 people showed up to the two different Meet-Ups. I couldn't believe how many people came. I was sitting there the entire time thinking to myself "Anne, what on earth did you get yourself into?" Thankfully, 3 people have generously volunteered to (aka been roped in to) help me.
And i know of at least one more person who couldn't make it to the Meet-Up due to vacation, but is planning on attending the Write-Ins.
We're all sitting, squished in the small conference room at Panera. I'm not entirely sure that we'll all fit when everyone comes on next Tuesday.
I've been going over the logistics of Panera for several days, and hopefully, now have a plan.
I just hope it works.

I've taken to writing up all the issues i've run into and some possible solutions down for next year. Like the power issue. There's one outlet in the main dining area. Just one...for 24 computers. I'm hoping that we'll be able to make power strips work.
Also, it's hard to get the attention of 24 people, I need some kind of obvious but not overly loud noise maker.
Maybe by next year, I'll be able to have a better grip on this. One of the people who volunteered used to do what I'm doing now. He's basically told me "i couldn't do it...good luck to you".
Very comforting isn't it?

I'm a natural leader. I'm organized, practical, flexible, and most importantly, i have a loud voice which can get attention. I really hope all that works to my benefit.

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