
Monday, October 5, 2009

The October Turnover

October. The turning point of the year.

September still remembers the heat and sunshine, and everyone is so busy rushing around trying to get ready for the start of school that they even notice a fallen leaf.
But it's not until October that the world slows down; darkness comes noticeably earlier, the trees turn to the colors of flames; and we start to notice for the first time, the ice formed on our windshields when we go to work in the morning.
Early October is when all the summer clothes go into hiding, and warm coats are retrieved from vacuum bags, closets, and under the bed storage. Sweaters and heaters are needed all of a sudden as the cold penetrates no matter how tightly shut up your home is. Down comforters become a warm sanctuary emphasized by electric blankets and soft fuzzy socks.

Speaking of which. I'm not sure how i ever survived without the items in the last sentence. I have discovered that it is truly foolish to change out your blankets for a down comforter and an electric blanket on a Sunday in time for going to work on Monday. The foolishness lies in this because come are NOT going to want to leave. I sat there thinking to myself this morning..." Do I really need a shower? will anyone notice if I don't wear clothes in today?"
Of course the answer to these is why I did manage to pry myself from the folds of my comforter and proceed to do so. My workaholic nature aside, i seriously considered calling in sick.

NaNo 2009 is slowly but surely gearing up. Now is the time when I start working out tiny details which could have a big influence on my story. And with my role this year, I'm planning, and weighing odds for meetings. How many people can show up every thursday?, but then we run into thanksgiving. Would it be better to do it on wednesday, or the weekend. So many things to think about. And even though on the 6th, it seems like there is plenty of time; I'm certain there isn't.

In other news: My OCD took over one day and i spent 4 hours refinishing a headboard my dad got for really cheap. I sanded out all the scuff marks, and re-stained part of it, painted the other and now it looks like it came straight from a showroom. I also changed over the colors in my room from the blues and whites to the reds and browns for winter. Soon i hope to have my room actually...clean and organized. I hate living like this, but I haven't had a solution before.

And the greatest news of all, i have purchased a new laptop. It is georgeous, powerful, and will do everything i want Laglessly. I'm already drooling.

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