
Monday, August 24, 2009

What is something you couldn't live without?

Most corporations do some form of this.
Almost a year ago, my company did a intensive corporate teamwork workshop. For an entire day. It was designed to identify our personality types and how best to interact with the varying spectrum a work. Part of the workshop was learning about each other through flash cards with insightful questions on them.
One that i remember distinctly was: What is something you can't live without?
Most young people's minds spring to their cell phones or computers or other technology that we typically forget many generations lived quite well without.
People with families might say their loved ones. Or money or more literally...air.
And in fact working in environment where I'm one of, if not the youngest people led me to think about the intangible things that i need in my life.

I'm an artist. I don't think there's a scrap of paper that doesn't end up with some kind of doodle on it. Story ideas run wild in my head. I constantly want to make or create something. And when i'm forced for some reason not to....i start to get anxious, unable to pay 100% attention and go a little stir crazy.

As i sit here writing this entry one handed due to a rather serious injury on my dominant hand... i vividly remember saying: I couldn't live without my hands.

Unable to button my shirt for work, having to find and wear slip on shoes, not even being able to move my computer mouse without difficulty. I'm getting frustrated and all the emotions that come from being unable to help myself. Funny how i knew at least that much about myself.

This is going to be a long 10 days. -_-

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