
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chemical Burns Suck

So this weekend was extremely hot for Seattle weather, probably reaching 95 in direct sunlight. My sister threw a bbq down at my parent's cabin on a lake. My mom decided to invite half the neighborhood.
This meant that Dad and I who went down early saturday morning, got the wonderful task of cleaning an entire house for nearly 20 guests who arrived on sunday. Oh joy.
One of my tasks was to clean out the old shower which was downstairs in the basement. This tiled out-cropping probably hadn't been cleaned in 10+ years if the thick layer of crunchy bug carcasses was any indication. The base had been coated with an insecticide called Diazanon. So after vacuuming out the bugs with a shop vac, i had to get in there and scrub. I figured when I was done, i would go jump in the lake anyway so i went barefoot. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue as Diazanon isn't harmful on the skin. But as normal, i got called away to do something else, and put my shoes back on.
I spent the rest of the day eating, entertaining people with small talk, and spending every moment i could in the water. I even managed to escape getting sunburned. I went home that night quite tired and pretty much went to bed immediatly when i opened the door.
The next morning, i cleaned my bathtub at home with bleach to kill the mold which was starting to grow. Got in, and took a shower since i hadn't taken one when i got home the night before. Then i went to work.
Within an hour, my feet were burning, within two i couldn't stand having my shoes on, within three, i was in real pain and left work early. My mom gave me anti poison oak medicine, then i soaked my feet in baking soda water, then thinking it might have been a sunburn, put aloe on the bottom of my feet.
I spent most of the rest of the day with my feet about a foot from an AC unit as the inflamation slowly went down.
It wasn't until we went through a list of everything i did the previous two days that we made a connection. Bleach and the Diazanon residue in my shoes: DO NOT MIX!
Granted we're not scientists, and could be wrong. But I'm not inclined to try and find out.

In other news, I have my TV up in my room now! :D

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