
Monday, May 4, 2009

The day of interesting walk by-s at my desk

Today seems to be the day where my cubical opening is the turning point for EVERYONE.
There is a 4 way intersection right outside of my cubicle. I have one of those blind spot concave mirrors next to my monitor in which I have seen:
  • multiple "Stop and stare at the ceiling/floor and wait for the light bulb to turn back on" while impeding traffic
  • 3 people seriously fast walking past my desk multiple times. I love it when they try to turn the corner and they essentially swerve into on-coming traffic.
  • 2 walk up to my desk and do an all out about face right at my opening and go back the way they had come without missing a beat
  • 2 indecisive where they start walking one way, then turn a different direction, take 1-2 steps and turn in a completely different direction. Lather rinse repeat.
  • 1 person walk into my cubical wall because they decided to change direction as they approached but didn't turn fast enough or turned too late.
  • 1 person running like they're tied up like a stiff backed mummy with only their legs from the knees down unbound (that was interesting)
  • And a partridge in a pear tree... (ok, so not really, but the ending amuses me)
Maybe we should install traffic lights at all intersections and issue traffic tickets to stupidity offenders.

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