
Monday, March 30, 2009

A movie I actually felt like writing about

First off, just for fun, i shall tell you how i came by this movie:
It was sitting on my parent's coffee table by way of my uncle, a man with neanderthalic ideas about women and their roles compared to men. When asking my dad if i could borrow the movie the response i received (at 22 and not living at home anymore) was "No, it's too risque!"
I looked at him, kind of stunned that he would think that i couldn't handle it and shrugged and said..."Ok, I'll rent it then". To which he seemed to come to some form of sense and said, "oh ok, just go ahead and borrow it."

The movie:
starring Milla Jovokovich. More commonly recognized for her roles in the Resident Evil movies as the sexy nearly nude gun slinging humanity-detached agent, Alice.
In this movie, she's a sexy, gun happy, cussing, street dealer accomplice. Oh, and basically, nothing is left to the imagination anymore about her body. Definitely a risque movie and not one to watch if that bothers you. Also don't watch if you can't stomach vivid domestic abuse horrifically detailed out by characters that fit the roles phenomenally. Though i will admit it was a bit of a shock to see tough "Alice" turn into screaming, trembling "Kat"
Big Al, her....boyfriend/boss/ quite a character played by Angus Macfadyen
of Braveheart fame. I believed every dialogue, every facial expression, every gesture; that he was that character.
And the ending left me guessing. They give you 4 possible people that did it, and then eliminate 2 of them and after that, if you know anything about street mentality, you can guess who it is.
The movie was riveting, the kind like a train wreck that you can't pull your eyes off of because it's so disturbing.
Don't get me wrong. I don't like watching subjects as awful as this and i had to keep reminding myself in the back of my head that it was a movie. But i did wonder if sometimes Milla had to stop the shot because it seemed too real.
One thing that did bother me about the movie itself was the extent of cussing. It's the same as Scarface. I can't watch it for very long because the word "F U C K" is inserted every third word and it detracts from the dialogue. Not to mention they mumble and make it hard to figure out what they're saying so while you're trying to figure out what they're saying then realize they're just cussing, i sit back and try to catch up feeling like i wasted the effort to figure it out.

Overall, it was a different movie experience from recent movies I've watched. To be honest...i recommend you watch it. I was surprised just how riveting it was.

Monday, March 23, 2009

How far can kids push the line these days

Driving back from lunch yesterday, i happened to notice a young kid on a bicycle riding around. About to mentally commend him for at least wearing a helmet and obeying the "no walk" sign, i suddenly realized that this boy of probably less than 10 had in his had a red bull, one of the large versions, dwarfing the hand holding it. The boy takes a hearty swig, and looks around him as if trying to see if anyone noticed him looking cool and acting mature by drinking the overly caffeinated drink. He saw me looking at him, and i guess my expression must have been rather severe because his face went from smug to guilty in about one second flat. He crossed the crosswalk, occasionally glancing at me to see if i was still watching him. On the other side there was another professional looking bicyclist. When the boy pulled up next to him, the man also noticed the Red Bull in his hand and gave him a disapproving look as well. The kid dropped his hand so the Red Bull was behind his leg and out of sight.
I'm not against kids acting mature. I become concerned when they're consuming products that are not good for their system, in an attempt to "be cool". And dont' go telling me that Red Bull isn't that bad. It's high in caffine. And 99% of kids... DON'T need more energy. I would like to believe that it's not possible for children to buy a Red Bull, that the store clerk would have enough of a moral code to say "no, you can't buy that unless your parents say it's ok". But it's probably not true. Though, in all likelyhood, the kid probably snuck the Red Bull from the pantry, or an older sibling.
And that brings up another issue of my concern. I'm all too aware these days that kids steal even from family. A feeling of entitlement that removes all sense of shame and remorse. I wonder where it will end. When kids will try to lead happy, healtful lives instead of conciously pushing the envelope in order to unconciously get attention from the adults who ignore them.
I don't know this kid. I don't know who his parents are, or what his home situation is like. I can only assume that he is trying to be cool and mature bassed of the few moment's of behavior i noticed. I can only hope that two dissaproving glares had some effect on his decision to drink the rest of that Red Bull, though it's more likely that it will only encourage him.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wait...I like to run?

Somehow this last two weeks, someone managed to give me a lobotomy and replace my brain with someone who likes to run.
The reason i know this is because at my peak in school, my best mile was 14 minutes and it was the PE session i hated the most. Make me do push ups all you want...just don't make me run. I'll even climb the rope!
Starting last Wednesday, my workout buddy, a former cross country runner in high school, got me on a treadmill while she worked beside me on the elliptical.
Next thing i know my brain is considering getting up even earlier so that i could go do a quick run before my shower.....before work, even. And i went to go exercise without her.
This is rather confusing to me, now i know what amnesia patients feel like >.>

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oragami and the of Motorcycle Training

Yeah, the title is a rip off of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. (good book btw) But it's based off of current events in my life:
Origami is one of my favorite past times. I frequently will fold my napkin at restaurants, or the wrapper from a chocolate. If i have post-it notes near me when I'm in the company of children, I'll make a hopping frog. Much to my delight, word spread around work that i like doing origami...and now i have a huge supply of paper and books with new and interesting projects in it. I'm excited.
In other exciting news, I just registered for a Motorcycle Training course. A three day class that gives you hands on training on how to ride a motorcycle. Several things made this happen now.
  • Riding a Moped along the sands of Ocean Shores was one of the most exhilerating and awesome experiances in my life. I enjoyed every moment of it, and topping the moped out at 40, wasn't fast enough for me.
  • If I can learn a car clutch, I can learn a motorcycle clutch.
  • I have a great support system with my sister. Our dad specifically told his girls that he forbid us to get a motorcycle. What does my sister do? Get's a motorcycle. When i called her to talk about it, and ask her if she would be willing to let me use her motorcycle every now and then, she agreed, provided we can figure out insurance. This means i won't have to buy a motorcycle right away until i decide it's right for me.
  • I have a willing riding partner. As a matter of fact, there is little doubt in my mind that I'll be the one saying "no thanks, not today" more often than he will. Thanks for the offer Mark.
  • Admitting that you're still scared of motorcycles because of a not so bad accident that you walked away from when you were 14 is humiliating. If i can take a fall off of a galloping horse, and get back on; i should be able to learn how to ride a motorcycle, conquer my fear instead of letting it consume me.
All in all, I'm excited for the class even though i have to wait until May to get in. At least the weather will be much more pleasant than it is currently. I swear if i wake up to ice one more day...i'm going to scream! I want sun! Warmth! Hell, i'd settle for warm rain!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Just blast to Palm Springs"

Anyone in the Seattle area will probably agree with me when i shake my fist at the sky and curse it for yet more snow. Spring is supposed to be on our doorstep, not freezing temperatures and ice.
Surprisingly, after the snow decided to take a break from falling yesterday, the sun came out briefly. I found myself halfway home when i saw shadows and felt the sun's warmth.
It called to me, reminding of days when all the windows in my car were down, sunglasses on and i went speeding down the highway with my hair and fingertips flying in the wind.
And just like that, I didn't feel like going home. I purposely made a wrong turn and explored where it went occasionally adding a wrong turn here and there. I ended up 15 miles from where my apartment is, before the sun stopped shining and my stomach started growling.
But for that time, i felt so carefree, all the stress melted away like the snow under the sun.
I can't wait for summer to get here. For the day when I can put all the windows down and chance a speeding ticket. I know where I'll be:

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hanging with the boys: Crude Humor

This is why i love hanging out with guys. The following scene would NEVER play out around a bunch of girls.
Warning: Crude Humor ahead.
Starring: Kenny, Cory, Colin, and I
The scene: Kenny is playing the online version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Since you can only play one player online, the rest of us are distributed around the living room. Colin is also playing World of Warcraft on his laptop and Cory and I are half watching Kenny play the game, and half poking each other for no apparent reason.

Call of Duty 4 (COD4) has these announcements that pop up on the screen like "You were killed by" and "You killled" and "Airstrike called in by" Which are all followed by the online player's screen name. Kenny's screen name is Baka.

Naturally around a group of guys, they start talking about changing the screen name so that it sounds really funny when those announcements pop up. The names may not be 100% accurate, because there were so many suggestions flying around, it was hard to keep track.
Cory: "You were killed by a wet noodle!"
Kenny: "You were killed by your mom"
Colin: "You were killed by a rabid squirrel"
Me: "You were killed by your own stupidity"
Cory: "you were killed by the clap"
Me: "you were killed by a hammertoe"
to which Kenny looks over at me and says "what about a Cameltoe?"
Which natrually sparks off " You were killed by a Cameltoe" and we all laugh and decide that that is the winner thus far.

Shortly there after, Cory gets up to make food. I'm watching the names and all of a sudden the following pops up:
"You were killed by A_10_LB_Wang" I read off. Cory, in the kitchen looks at me, not sure if he heard me right and Kenny, somehow missed it even though it popped up on the screen he was supposed to be paying attention to. Even Colin looked up from his computer game to look at me. Sure enough, that was the other player's screen name. Shortly there after, someone by the name of "ThinkingofKY" joins the game. This spawns: "Yeah, you'll need some KY with a 10lb wang"

Needless to say: it just went downhill from there.
I love hanging out with guys, they're so much more fun!