
Monday, February 16, 2009

Dear Soon to be Ex-Roommate

This is a vent or perhaps a guide for when leaving an apartment, All things included in here are what I believe to be common sense when exiting an apartment and not unreasonable expectations especially considering that someone will be continuing to live in that area after you leave. I hope you will read through this and realize how frustrating some of your behaviors have been to me and that we can come to a mutually agreable solution. This is also known as not being an oblivious blockhead. I have detailed some of your more grevious infractions below.

1) Stop with the Katherine Pitty Parties. I don't buy into them anymore. I know perfectly well that you were still sound asleep most days out of a week at noon when i came home for lunch. I also know that when i got home at 5, you were watching tv untill 2 or so in the morning. You could have gotten A JOB, ANY JOB to pay your bills. Instead, for 6 months, you decided to sit around like a lump and go to a couple interviews for the one KIND of job you felt like. By the end of the second month, you should have gotten some kind of minimum wage job, as a grocery store clerk, or waiting tables or something instead of letting mommy and daddy pay for you for six months. I have never in my life met a more overly indulged, 25 year old coward (yes, you heard me. That BS about texting that you're moving out while I was at work and couldn't respond was undoutably cowardly) that is so out of touch with reality yet claims to be very mature for their age.

2) Do NOT do all of your packing and shuffling and sorting RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER ROOMMATE"S DOOR TO THEIR ROOM and BATHROOM!!!!! Especially not when A) the coffee table is bigger, B) closer to the door and C) It's not in someone else's way!

3) Holes that I can stick my pinky through ARE NOT OK TO LEAVE! Are you kidding me? What on earth did you have hanging there? A full size GONG?!

4) Don't leave random magnets attached to the fridge because they're too sticky to get off. Get a putty knife, some kind of Goo remover and take the hour to get them off. Oh yeah, then wash up the residual! And no, you're not getting them back now. I put in the effort, they're mine and if i want to throw them out, I will. (except some of them are kind of cool)

5) When you tell your roommate who's staying "I'll be there before noon to pick up those plants that are in your way" least call and let her know that you won't bother to show up until after 4pm, wasting her time and effort to move them out of my way as I cleaned yet another mess caused by you. This will be detailed in number 5.
Thanks for vacuuming up after taking all the plants: Except you missed everywhere but the main pathway. Don't bother next time if you're not gonna do a halfway decent job. If you'd missed the corners, then whatever. But doing a once over in a straight line? Just don't fricken bother.

6) I couldn't believe that we were unable to use our deck for much more than walking out one step and turning around in a circle. That is a completely rediculous amount of plants you posess and guess what? HALF OF THEM ARE DEAD! This issue coupled with the clean off of the roof which dripped onto our deck left the deck smelling like old rotten seagull poop! Thanks for leaving that for me to clean cause i know there is no way in hell you would have bothered doing more than sweep as shown since they cleaned the roofs in October. It was dark green when it should have been lite tan! That is gross. At least now it's possible to walk more than one step outside.

7) I don't want your crap! If i say "No, I don't want that after you're gone." Then don't leave it in a pile on top of the dining room table. For that matter, don't leave the rest of the crap you are taking scattered around the living area and not show up for 4 days. Again, someone else is living there.

8) Even if you're just cleaning out one drawer....Show up once in a while, get some small thing done. You don't need one of your parents or your brother to escort you to pick up half a dozen small things. You have two hands, use them. It won't be so overwhelming if you chip away at it slowly. Or here's a thought...ask for help. If you asked me to patch holes, i wouldn't mind, it's just leaving them thinking they're ok, that bothers me.

9) There is such a thing as before 2pm. It's when most of the rest of the world is trying to get shit done. You should try it sometime!

10) This is more of a observation of your so called social life; Maybe you should try meeting more people than the 4 whom i saw or heard about in the entire 6 months i lived with you. It's a great thing to be friends with your parents and your brother and a neighbor. But when those are the ONLY people you hang out with and you NEVER agree to try and meet other people? No wonder you're depressed. You have a great personality and would do just fine in the real world. But you're hindering yourself! I invited you out constantly, but always recieved the response No. Try Yes once in a while. You'd be amazed at the experiances.

I realize that I have not voiced a single one of these complaints to you. Mostly out of the knowledge that it infuriates me to no end and i would rather avoid an enormous blowup from compliled issues. I have sat here for the last 6 months quietly biding my time and severly biting my tongue. I knew this would happen, and yet i let you convince yourself that you had it under control.
I hope this has been an educational experiance for you in Common Decency and Common Sense. While living with you was quite a pleasant experiance, your financial situation aside, I was shocked to see your behavior rapidly deteriorate.
To put my feelings about this simply: Grow up. You're not the saddest case in the world. And YES, i 100% fully believe you brought this on yourself and could have nipped it in the butt a LONG time ago.

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