
Monday, November 24, 2008

Nano post #9: in which i see the light at the end of the tunnel

So my genius level is rather high today, or i guess it was last night at 10:30.

I generally write in MS Word, then post it onto Google Documents every day so that my collaborator can read it.

However he called me this morning to let me know that while looking at a copy of a pay pal receipt for purchasing a Christmas gift was very interesting, he was more curious about how the story was progressing. I somehow managed to paste the wrong thing and not notice how drastically different it looked. Go me!

Crossed over the 40k line last night and now I'm in the home stretch. With slightly less than 10k to go, i'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and watching all the little bullet points in my story suddently mesh together in a wierd version of connect the dots. Seeing the lines begin to form between them is making all the late nights and extreme amounts of frustration as well as a almost non-existant social life all well worth it.

Still to do:
discovering of an assasination/terrorist attack,
re-routing bomb,
and the big finally in which i get to thumb my nose at the antagonist and watch their world crumble around them metephorically.

Perhaps a little masochistic, but believe me, these guys have it coming to them.

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