
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My thoughts on the election

Let me preface this entry by saying that i voted and also that i will not reveal my emotions on the winner or the looser.
I sent in my absentee ballot and then waited with a minor amount of anxiety in my stomach as the results were slowly collected in a sweet across the nation from Maine to Washington.
Granted 98% of it was background noise as i was writing my novel. But i did pay attention to the eloquent acceptance speech delivered by Barak Obama.

The first black man to achieve the presidency and to show the world and our nation just how far we have come in short of 50 years in learning to live peacably with those who look different from us. Regardless of who you backed in this election, you must realize there is a profound impact on last nights results.
This nation has made yet another turning point in it's history. It will never be the same again.

As i watched his speech, however, i found myself distracted at the wide shots showing Obama on the stage. There was what i assume to be bullet proof glass around the end of the stage. And i realize....some things are never going to change. Even people elected by the country are not safe. I shake my head at the beligerance of people i find to be extremists.

"I'm going to leave this country if so and so is elected" (as was told to me in every election i've been conciously aware of, not just this one)'d seriously give up a country where you can speak your mind and not get shot? where anything is possible if you work hard enough at it? We may not be perfect, but i would never give up the rights we have here no matter who is elected. We're still going to have to pay taxes, there are still going to be problems, and unforseen changes that need difficult descisions. There is no avoiding that no matter who is elected. All we really can do is elect the person we believe can best roll with the punches and give the most back for us.

"That canidate is so stupid". Stupid is as stupid does to quote Forrest Gump. Quite frankly, stupidity is in the eye of the beholder. I've heard viscious assumptions, and generalizations and they really just make me roll my eyes.

Here is my quick and dirty opinion of politics. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS A LIAR, A ILLUSIONIST, AND FULL OF BULLSHIT.

YAY for America!
Now, Stop wasting money on ads, billboards and signs that will now rot on the sides of roads across the country because the canidates can't be bothered to pick up after themselves, and let's get this damn economy back on it's feet.

Oh yeah, and has everyone forgotten that we still have Bush until January 20th?

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