
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Musings for today

I've spent most of today punching in numbers for an obscenly obnoxious archiving project. I did this a year and a half ago while i was a temp and when it didn't matter if i spent my entire day punching numbers because no one would ask what i was doing.
But now it's a completely different matter. I have a team that i directly support and i solve their crisis's on a hourly basis. (i really ought to start charging). What's more is that i no longer work under that department.
But when it suddenly pops up that no one's been keeping up with the archiving (the person who should have been instead is browsing ebay and chatting for about half her day. I'd know, she's on the other side of the wall from me)....guess who they call in.
Yeah that's right...i'm reduced back down to a temp level and my team is told that they basically have to do without me until i get through all 56 boxes. Why? because i get the job done efficiently and right on the first try. Me and my stupid work ethic. Yeah, i goof off, but only when my inbox is EMPTY and all of my tasks are completed. and i'm told "don't make us fire you cause you won't do archiving"
It's not a matter of not being willing to do it, it's more of what do they want more....all of the miscelanious crap tedious work in my inbox....or the archiving. I can't just fit the archiving in....or maybe i can...somewhere between my manicure and nap (as if)

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