
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yeah, birthday....wooo -_-

I decided for my brithday that I wanted to go bowling. And that All-American Favorite pasttime is freaking expensive out here! Especially at the peak times for weekends!
Not that I blame the company...that's just good business. People want, you have a limited supply of lanes, ha! you can charge whatever you want.
Just gah! so frustrating to be trying to work with people on limited income. Not everyone has mommy and daddy shelling out for the bill! What about us college students? (haha, oh wait, i'm not one of them anymore).

I wish I was one of those people that could say something like "I want this and this and this for my birthday". I just can't do that. It feels weird for me at my age to want for things and for my friends to get them for me. See, I'm used to getting things for myself. And even though I know some people want to, and I could really use a few things (considering i just moved and have like nothing!)............this is the most I can do: No gifts required

However, in the event that someone wants to get me something, the things I need the most right now are DVD movies. I have like maybe 15 movies and 6 of them are the Star Wars series.
Really, I don't care if they're the duplicate movies that have been sitting on the shelf for years or if you spend like 20$ on them (ee gads! I hope not). That's really just what would be most useful to me.
I like action, drama, good comedy (no crotch shots or falling down cause really, that's not acting) musicals, classics, Sci-fi, fantasy, even some chick flicks (common, the good ones really)
Oh, and I can save people a lot of time: if it has Will Ferral in it....I will return it. I hate his acting style and he grates on my nerves just thinking about him.

I'm guessing not many people will read this but here are some options that I can think of off the top of my head:
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Gone in 60 Seconds
National Treasure (1)
27 Dresses
Good Luck Chuck
Patch Adams
American Pie (1/2)
Count de Monte Cristo
Stardust (!)
The Borne series (1/2/3)
The Matrix series (1/3)
xXx (triple X)
Chronicals of Narnia (1/2 if it's even out yet)
Chronicals of Ridic
The phantom of the Opera

I don't expect to get anything so will be happy if I do. And for those that are those wonderful random people you meet over the internet but never actually meet in real life maybe that list of movies will give you some further insite to me. I don't know. Cheers!

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