
Friday, August 8, 2008

Insigts training

My company decided to do a personalty training that basically tells you what kind of person you are and how you get along with your co-workers. They had us take an obscenely long questionaire, then trained us for 5 hours.

Normally taking a 5 hour chunk out of my work week would be detramental, but they did it by department, so my whole team that i support was in there with me.

Quick rundown of the personality categories:

Firey Red: positive, affirmative, bold and asseritve
Sunshine Yellow: cheerful, uplifting, spirited, buoyant
Cool Blue: showing no bias, objective, detached, analytical
Earth Green: still, traquil, calming, soothing

Now they say that we are all of these colors at some point, but we tend into one of the categories or maybe into two.

My company did a series of team building exercises. One that sticks out the most for me is where they put the circle with the colors quadrented on our back and we had to walk around and everyone else put a X in the quadrant color that they thought you were.

Much to my suprise, all but three people put me in the yellow categorie. Basically a social person who tries to make those around them happier. Two put me in red, an energetic assertive leader. One put me in blue (which kind of hurt a little because they're described as cold and detached wanting nothing but the facts. but hey, you can't please everyone.)

Not suprising to myself, i was a solid red with a SLIGHT yellow tendency. But that seemed to suprise everyone around me.
For the first time in my life, i'm viewed how i always wanted to be viewed. Not as the angry, dark, unfeeling bitch which is the connotation i got from most people in grade school. but as an efficient worker who tries to smile at everyone. Someone who is happy and generally tries to make everyone else happy too. I don't know how, but i accomplished it. Perhaps it's just that everyone here wants to view me this way because that's how they see me, not because it's popular or cool.
Whatever the reason, i'm happy with what i found out about my group and what they thought of me.

Side note: this is by far the closest any personality test has ever come to the me that i know. Even the stuff i don't really like to acknowledge, but i know is there like hey...i'm stubborn as all hell. And i'm demanding because i know what people are capable of and i expect them to live up to their capabilities, not play stupid when they really can get the job done right.

I'm impressed.

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