
About Me!

Welcome to my teeney tiny corner of the blog-o-sphere.

I'm a 25 year old admin who's just not content with that. This blog is dedicated to all the random thoughts that come through my head while I'm shuffling papers. I hope you find them as amusing as i do.

Few things about me:
  • I like lists. They just make life so much simpler and efficient
  • I have a semi weird joint in both my pinkies that makes it lock up when reaching for the shift key, so you'll see a lot of non-capitalized I's. Mostly this is because i write 75 words per minute and the shift key doesn't always stay down long enough to register. That, and i'm too lazy to go through and fix them, because the spell check doesn't catch them. 
  • I'm a Seattlelite. I can name at least ten different kinds of salmon, I rarely use an umbrella, and I always feel at home here. Don't get me wrong, i miss sunshine too, but I'd miss the Space Needle...despite it's overpriced tickets. 
  • I wish i had been born a redhead. but after 5 years, i realized that the upkeep sucks so settled for almost my natural brunette. 
  • My love for travel is not supported by my income or ingrained thriftiness. 
  • I love children because they're so honest. And unpredictable. And funny. And fun to mess with. And cute....yeah, i just love children. Provided i can give them back at the end of the day. If i'm at a party and there are children around, i usually end up playing with them instead of acting my age and participating in the boring "adult" conversations. 
  • I read a lot, though not nearly as much as i used to. I could go through a stack of books as tall as i was in summer when i was younger. Now, it's more like a book a month. My favorites are Sci-fi, fiction, and Fantasy. I believe that books are an escape from real life...and if you're going to escape, why not bend or break the rules of reality while you're at it.
  • I'm a tomboy. Growing up with a ton of boys and no girls tends to do that. I have more camouflage in my closet than the color pink. I've been shooting guns since i was seven and have lost count of how many knives i own. If you're looking for fashion advice, or nail polish tips; you're gonna wanna look elsewhere. I get a girly bug bite only a couple times a year.
  • I'm a massive GEEK. I love Sci-Fi, Fantasy, video games and RPGs. I still function pretty well in society, i'm not anti-social, i'm not overly crazy (most of the time)...but i recommend you avoid getting into an argument with me about Star Trek or Star Wars because i can go on for hours. 
  • I'm a carpenter, artist, crafter, painter, potter, sculptor, writer, gamer, baker, cake decorator, geek. Pretty much anything that i can do with my hands, is my forte and passion. 
  • I never could do anything if half by heart.